Posey, Daisy, and Titus: Our Visitors at Mister Migs!


Mister Migs sure had its share of visitors last week! Not only did two staff members bring their dogs, but Tova, editor of Eidé magazine, brought her pooch Posey in to get fitted for a MigDiva! We at Mister Migs were proud to have such a little celebrity in our studio, especially one so sweet and well-behaved! Posey may be posh, but she’s perfectly approachable, not at all the aloof ice queen that her white coat and fine breeding would suggest. She’s a rare breed known as the Volpino Italiano (“Italian Little Fox”) and Tova told us all about the unique history of this unique type of dog. As the name suggests, they originate in Italy, specifically ancient Italy, and even Michelangelo---yes, THE Michelangelo himself!—owned one. They were excellent dogs for artists, as they stay quiet almost all the time (Posey never made a peep while she was here) unless a stranger enters the house, at which point they sound the alarm! Posey was a delight to meet, and we were all thrilled today when we saw that she and a fellow Eidé dog, Ghaney, were on Instagram sporting their new Migrubbie bandanas together! http://instagram.com/p/yfk-L6izF7/

As for our other visitors, those were Daisy the Chihuahua and Titus the Rottweiler. Daisy belongs to Tim Harris, our Marketing Specialist, while Titus belongs to Carl Bradford and Jaime Hutchinson. Carl is our creative director, and has helped yours truly out a few times re-sizing my pictures for the Migstories (our wonderful regular for that, Ben, has been out as of late) and Jaime Hutchinson is the Program Manager for Simply Biz. I’d heard a lot about Daisy and Titus, and was very pleased to meet them! They were quite a contrast---Daisy is just over two pounds, while Titus weighs in at a whopping one hundred! Like many large dogs, however, he thinks he’s a tiny puppy; what a big sweet wiggly pile of love! Daisy was a darling as well, despite having a bit of a rough time in life due to not having any teeth and a condition that makes her partially bald in some places. Both are rescues, and both are proof that the best dogs often are. In fact, Posey is something of a rescue herself---it seems that her original owner got her from a breeder, but was unprepared for keeping a dog, and thus somehow she passed into Tova’s hands instead. How lucky---for both of them!
