Want your dog to be a DogStar? A guide from a talent agency expert!

By M.G.Mauney

Want to see your pup in pictures? We interviewed Trace Sargent, the owner of top-notch Atlanta talent agency STAR K-9 to find out how. Here’s the scoop on how to bust into showbiz with your pet according to this DogStar expert who has put hundreds of dogs onscreen.

Q: How do I start?

Trace: The first step is socialization. A star always has the public to contend with as well as working with unfamiliar people, animals, and situations on set. Getting your dog socialized at an early age is key. Expose them to as many different environments as possible: different people, sights, smells, sounds, pets, everything! Dogs with dreams of stardom must be instantly friendly with strangers.

Q: Ok, what’s next?

Trace: Next comes the obedience training. They must be able to sit, stay, lie down, and to go stand at their “mark” on set without being distracted. Responding to positive reinforcement, specifically food, is also essential for set work. DogStars must have an excellent attention span which means taking direction for as long as needed to capture the shot. Sometimes this means many hours on set.

Q: What kind of role is best for my dog?

Trace: Different projects require different personalities and a dog will be picked not only for their ability to perform but by how well they match the personality needed for the performances, just like human stars! For instance, a high-energy dog will be picked for action scenes but not for a scene that involves lounging on a couch. Your dog must not only have the right training and look for a role but the right temperament. Audition your dog for roles that best suit his/her personality.

Q: Now that my dog is ready, how do I get my dog out there? How do I find casting calls?

Trace:Go to the STAR K-9 website and sign up your future dog star! Best of luck, and see you in the movies!

Here’s  Emma, the Border Collie, who is the star of “Super Dog” shown at the International Burbank Film Festival last weekend—and nominated for an award!

emma the super dog

See Emma and all the amazing dogstars AND meet Trace Sargent in person at the Denim Dogs Fashion Blast on November 7!

Purchase your tickets Today: https://wowinsync.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/DenimDogsFashionBlast2015/PurchaseTickets/tabid/694297/Default.aspx